隣の旦那を寝取ったつもりが言う事を聞かされ寝取られたサド人妻 星乃星良
真正S女の「星良」はある日、回覧板を持ってきた隣の旦那のオドオドした姿に興奮を覚え、寝取る事を計画する。強引に近づき家に招き入れ欲望の限りを尽くす。しかし、夫に内緒で風俗の女王様として働いていた彼女は、自分では気付かなかったが隣の旦那の相手をした事があった。その事実を思い出した隣の旦那は、それをネタに逆に「星良」を自分の好きなように扱うようになる。S女のプライドが崩れ去り屈辱の涙を流す「星良」。そして事態はとんでもない事に…One day、 "Sora" a true S woman、 gets excited at the sight of her neighbor's husband、 who brings her a circular、 and plans to fuck him. She approaches him、 invites him into her house、 and goes to the limit of her desires. However、 she had worked as a prostitute queen without her husband's knowledge、 and had once been with the neighbor's husband、 though she did not realize it herself. She cries tears of humiliation as her S-woman pride crumbles. And then things go horribly wrong...
I like 隣の旦那を寝取ったつもりが言う事を聞かされ寝取られたサド人妻 星乃星良

そして事態はとんでもない事に…One day、 "Sora" a true S woman、 gets excited at the sight of her neighbor's husband、 who brings her a circular、 and plans to fuck him. She approaches him、 invites him into her house、 and goes to the limit of her desires. However、 she had worked as a prostitute queen without her husband's knowledge、 and had once been with the neighbor's husband、 though she did not realize it herself. She cries tears of humiliation as her S-woman pride crumbles. And then things go horribly wrong...