誰とでも仲良くなれそうなフランクな性格のわかちゃんは、声だけ聞くとどことなくモデルのロ○ラに似てます。オッケ〜。と、そんなひとなつっこいわかちゃんですが、最大の武器は胸元にたわわに実ったGカップのおっぱい。あとむっちり肉付きのいいお尻も捨てがたいわがままボディです。どうも今まで男性経験が少ないとかで、しかもみんなセックスが淡泊で本気で感じたことがないんだとか。それってもう完全にためされてるってことですよね?ならば全身全霊を込めて気持ちよくして差し上げましょう!というわけで若い男子にはできないねちっこさと、経験と場数を踏んだからこその激しさと優しさの強弱でたっぷり感じてもらい、おじさんの味ってやつを存分に教え込んどきました。こうしてみると真面目そうな女子大生ちゃん(下着姿だけど)しかしその中身はドロドロの欲求不満を抱えたスケベ女なのです。Waka-chan has a frank personality that seems to be able to get along with anyone、 and if you just listen to her voice、 she vaguely resembles the model Lola. Ok~. She's a friendly girl、 but her biggest asset is her G-cup breasts. She also has a plump ass that I can't leave out. She said that she had never had much experience with men、 and that they were all so bland that she had never really had sex. That means you've already been tested、 right? Then let's make them feel good with all our might! So、 I taught her the taste of being an uncle to the fullest by making her feel the intensity and gentleness that comes from experience and experience、 as well as the pettiness that young men can't do. She looks like a serious college girl in her underwear、 but inside she's a dirty woman with a lot of frustration.
I like 女子大生:わか(21歳)/Gカップ爆乳女子大生は性欲最強の肉食系。豊満ボディ揺らして本気セックス!

Waka-chan has a frank personality that seems to be able to get along with anyone、 and if you just listen to her voice、 she vaguely resembles the model Lola. Ok~. She's a friendly girl、 but her biggest asset is her G-cup breasts. She also has a plump ass that I can't leave out. She said that she had never had much experience with men、 and that they were all so bland that she had never really had sex. That means you've already been tested、 right? Then let's make them feel good with all our might! So、 I taught her the taste of being an uncle to the fullest by making her feel the intensity and gentleness that comes from experience and experience、 as well as the pettiness that young men can't do. She looks like a serious college girl in her underwear、 but inside she's a dirty woman with a lot of frustration.